Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friday Lunch Lecture , Friday the 12 of June

Dear All,
Here our program for tomorrow. See you in 602!

At 1.30 in 602
Julia Male (SNDO-Guest)
'a place with a sky where that sound is made'
Solo ( very rough material...)
duration 10 min.

At 1.45 in 602
William Collins (SNDO 2) will talk about his participation in a Dance Festival in Guatemala City, in collaboration with Florentina Holzinger.

Please join us tomorrow…

Ps. We are finishing our 2008-09 season the 26 of June. Next Friday Lunch Performances:
The 19 of June at 1.30 and the last one the 26 of June at 2:00 pm ( due to evaluations meetings)

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