Thursday, December 6, 2007

Friday the 7 - Workshop Presentations

Dear all,
Tomorrow we are having two showing:
In 609 SNDO 1 + Guests
From 1:15 untill 2:30

Co- Existence
An installation performance that students of SNDO 1 and guest constructed along the workshop dedicated to research the co-existence of the media: Body, Image and Sound.
Directed by:
Ivo Bol, Ibrahim Quraishi, Roberta Marques and Maria Ines Villasmil

In 809 at 2:30 SNDO 2 + Guests
The Extreme Body

A final presentation from Renee Copraij choreography workshop. SNDO 2 and guest are presenting ther vision about extreme bodies.
Alma / Hysteria
Aloun/ Erotical Body
Melkorka/ Action Woman
Rodrigo/ Superman
Roger/ Body of God
Steph/ Ecstasy
Guest Student/Focus
Teilo/ Faith and Devotion
Tommi/ Metereophatia

See you there!

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